Tips for Traveling with Your Pets

Tips for Traveling with Your Pets

Summer offers a great time to go on road trips with your pets. Before hitting the road, though, it’s important to make sure you and your pets are prepared. Keep the following tips in mind while getting ready for your trip.

Before Your Trip

Make sure you handle these tasks before you go in order to make your trip go smoothly:

  • Find pet-friendly hotels: If you’ll be on the road for more than one day, make note of hotels that accept pets along your route. This saves you from having to spend time finding one while you’re on the road, especially if you're tired.
  • Look for stores that carry your pets’ food: Make a list of local stores that have your pets’ food in case you run low and need to restock during your trip.
  • Gather medical records: Bring a copy of your pets’ medical records with you in case they end up needing veterinary care.
  • Check for vets near your destination: Make note of vets that are close to your destination, so you won’t have to spend valuable time looking for one if your pets get sick or injured.
  • Have your pets’ ID tags and microchip information handy: Make sure your pets have their ID tags on them in case they get lost. Keep a copy of their microchip numbers with you as well.

During Your Trip

While you’re on the road with your pets, take steps to keep them safe and happy.

  • Consider seat belt harnesses: These harnesses stop pets from sliding around the car, especially when you turn. They also prevent pets from jumping out of the car the moment you open the door.
  • Keep leashes near you: If your pets won’t be using harnesses, have their leashes with you before opening the door. Attach their leashes before letting them out, so they won’t run off. Keep your pets on leashes at rest areas to reduce the risk of having them get lost or injured.
  • Bring natural calming supplements or treats: If your pets are nervous while they’re in the car, consider bringing natural supplements or treats to help them stay calm. This helps make road trips more pleasant for them and safer for you as you’re driving.  

One last thing to consider is keeping your car smelling fresh throughout your trip. Keep in mind that you can eliminate pet odor by using car fresheners that include an odor neutralizer.  Lavender is a popular fragrance since it is calming for pets (and people).

Comments (2)

  • Barbara Buck on Jul 17, 2019

    I appreciate your blog on traveling with pets. Thanks for posting this valuable information.

  • Barbara Buck on Aug 02, 2018

    I appreciate your advice for vacationing with dogs & think that going beyond advertising to assist pet owners is a wonderful thing.

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